Ants can be important pests summer, and if you can not find a way to get rid of them, when for the first time to see at home, take them. There are many different types of ants, but two that are very irritating to the house in Arkansas and other southern states, fire ants and odorous substances ant home. Both types will leave a smell so when they found a good place to nest, so that other ants can find the path and follow it to the nest. They nest outside under rocks,Mulch and wood piles, is closed and forage for food and moisture. Often move their nests, moving rapidly in response to weather or disease. It 'important to recognize these two species of ants, as they pose a danger to you and your family, your food supply, as well as your own home.
Fire ants are easily recognized because they are usually a reddish color, sometimes with a black or brown belly. They vary in size from 1 / 8 to 1 / 4 inch, and areknown for their aggressive nature. Outdoors, they build their nests on the hill above the metro are. Often, their hills, open areas, including meadows and pastures are found. I'm on plants, seeds and feed crickets, and are known to have a very painful sting. You will stand out not just once but several times in a circle. People sometimes even allergic reactions to fire ant stings can go into anaphylactic shock after being bitten. Fire ants are dangerous becausenot only to stay outside, they find their way into your home. You enter the walls of your house, because they are easily attracted to electrical impulses and then to build nests near power lines, often damaging the wiring or the isolation that surrounds her. fire ants forage for domestic food or feed made from sugar, syrup, honey, any kind of fruit juice, as well as protein, including meat and insects. Once fire ants on your property or nestedin your home can be very difficult to shake off. There are a lot of different chemicals on the market for home and apartment owners to buy to get rid of ants, but no one can completely get rid of an infestation of fire ants.
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odorous house ants are small, about 1 / 8 inch long, usually brown or black. They represent different paths from their nests in houses, which can be very worrying for homeowners. odorous house ants get their name from the smell that emanates fromif they are broken, some say they smell rotten, like coconuts. Will make its nest anywhere, in a superficial nests in damp places under stones, wood and rubble. They nest in the houses inside the wall cavity, close to facilities and potted plants. Have found their way into your sugar bowl, candy and others to find in your kitchen pantry. odorous house ants do not bite and sting, but they have very large colonies, often numbering in the thousands. This makesextremely difficult to destroy, when a colony near your home or nested. The destruction of the ants can not get rid of your problem - because the ants leave a trail of pheromones for other ants in the colony to follow, it is necessary to destroy the entire colony outside.
Both fire ants and odorous substances house ants may know a problem for homeowners in Arkansas, and how to protect your home and family from an attack is the first step on the road with an ant free. If yousealed the cracks of doors and windows seal or Vaseline, and removed all food sources attractive, you are on track to keep out the ants. If you saw a trail of ants in the house, in this way can help to clean with soap and water, the ant trail pheromones in your next home. Also, keep a house clean and free of crumbs and food particles can deter infestation of ants. If these protective measures is not yet ants find their way into your house, it's time toa professional.
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