Chiggers are red-colored and tiny dinky pests that cause an unbearable itching sensation if at all it lands on the skin of living beings. It is most often found in grassy fields, thick vegetation and the like. So, preventive measures that are required to withstand the bites should be known compulsorily for those who work in fields. We cannot wholly eradicate the proximity of these pests. All that can be done is to make use of precautionary measures that would help us in getting rid of those effects caused by those terrible chiggers.
Getting rid of chiggers
Bug Killer For Chiggers
Almost all of us think that getting rid of chiggers would truly mean physically eradicating them. But it is very hard to spot and clear them off completely. Rather than eradicating these pests, we shall see few ways of preventing it from inhabiting on our skins. That is the least that could be done. Chiggers are most active when the weather is very warm and hence during such seasons, it is advisable to trim of the grass in the garden. Though it is hard to spot those spots where these pests dwell, there are many insecticides in the market. Make use of one of them, if you are truly sure of where they inhabit. Spraying all over the field or garden, might destruct the area.
So be specific before you select the location where you are going to spray. Use proper clothing while chigger-prone areas are being visited. That would mean that face every part of the skin is the most sensible thing to do. The bites of these pests are so unbearable that it causes severe itching. When a person is infected with these pests, it is highly advisable to not make use of any chemicals on the affected area of the skin. The usage of an inappropriate chemical could worsen the itching.
Ascertain Yourself on How to Get Rid of Chiggers!