February 15, 2012

What Do Ants Eat? Sweets!

What do ants eat? This query is on the minds of many habitancy who have faced an ant infestation. When they find out the write back to what do ants eat, they frame they can clean their kitchens of the offending items.

Adult ants can only suck up liquid foods. They prefer plant nectars and honeydew from plant-sucking insects. Ants are also satisfied with natural oil and protein food sources which come from seeds, plants or dead insects.

What do ants eat? Sweets! Sweets give power to worker ants, and the protein from other insects helps to build up the ant's body. One type of ant, the Dalmatie, authentically cooks its food by chewing it into patties and baking them in the sun.

Another kind of ant, the Harvester, collects and shop seeds.

The Leaf-cutter ant grows fungus for food.

Then there are the ants that authentically "herd" other small insects (aphids) and then "milk" the aphids by using their antennas to make them secrete honeydew.

But, most ants are perfectly content to scavenge through your kitchen and eat your food. What do ants eat? Sweets are their favorite item, but any kind of carbohydrate is satisfactory.

A common kindergarten science experiment answers the query what do ants eat. The children introduce three food items such as a raisin, a piece of bread, and a Cheeto to a colony of ants and discover which one gets swarmed. In approximately every case, the raisin is the most favorite food item followed by the bread, and in last place, the Cheeto.

It's curious to note that the abdomen of the worker ant contains two stomachs. One stomach holds the food for the worker ant and the second stomach is for food to be shared with other ants. What do ants eat - the non-worker ants eat the vomit of the worker ants!

What Do Ants Eat? Sweets!

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